Ph1NNN: "Every team has eyes on us"

Gods Reign's chances of qualifying for the playoffs look grim

After an unforeseen upset against Firedup Gaming, Gods Reign finds their chances of qualifying for the playoffs very slim. After the game, we caught up with Ph1NNN, who was the MVP of their first win today, to talk about what went wrong for the team on Mirage.

What was your game plan coming into Ancient?

On Ancient, we wanted to get into their face. We wanted to deny them any space and see how they react. Then we got pretty confident with out duels so we stayed aggressive.

The casters emphasized on how you guys kept becoming overconfident after a heroic play and that is why you lost the game. Do you agree?

It wasn't overconfidence. We actually gave them too much respect. They got Mid for free everytime, on the CT-side and they got it even more easily on the T-side. We shouldn't have given them so much space. We should have taken more duels. They got a lot of map control.

Do you think the tag of being the favorites in every game puts more pressure on you to perform?

Yes that is true. Every team has eyes on us, because we have been playing well. Another point is that we are the only team that has stuck around, since almost every other team has had roster changes. I can't call us favorites now because it is a new game and we are not that prepared. It is evident since, our players aren't showing up.

How much of that would you attribute to playing a new game?

It is not about CS2, even if we played like this in CSGO, we would have lost.

You still have a chance at qualifying for playoffs. If you qualify, how will you look to improve your mistakes?

It won't matter in the playoffs. We were expecting to win the event. If we reach the playoffs, just like in Skyesports Masters, everything will be reset. It doesn't matter how you play in the League Stage once you arrive in playoffs it is completely different. Another thing to note is that League stage was BO1, which is really momentum based.

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