Image Courtesy: Bhavi, Instagram (@7seabhavi)

"We got a break and we put a lot of time into Anubis" - Bhavi

Medal Esports concede 2-1 series to 7SEA Esports

After their win against Medal Esports, 7SEA Esports maintain strong contention to finish in the top four and we got a chance to talk to Bhavi, the IGL of 7SEA Esports, here's what he had to say about the match.

A decent first half but things didn't go your way after that, what went wrong on Inferno?

"Even when they were playing their force-rounds and we had full-buy, we used to give them first kills and our A-site was weak on Inferno, they were just taking contact and playing off of that, we need to play brackets much better. We were trying a few new setups on Inferno mid-match but they didn't work."

What was your game plan going into Anubis? it looked like you had an answer to almost everything they were coming up with.

"We got a 1-week break and we put a lot of time into Anubis. Anubis now looks like a decent map for us as you saw today."

A great T-side on Nuke, then got shaky towards the end but you closed it out, can you talk about Nuke?

"We didn't do anything extraordinary on the T-side, we were just playing defaults that usually work for us. We messed up a few after-plants and retakes, without which, we would've had a cleaner score line. On CT side we just had to take fights and deny them map control, we worked on that and CycloneF was often sent to take secret or push ramp."

Fighting for the top 4 spot, what are your plans going forward from here?

"We're taking it one step at a time and if we continue playing like we did today, it will be difficult to reach the top 4. We need to bring our A game and if we play our best, I think we can reach top 4 easily."

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