2ez Gaming talks about making it to the Asia Closed Qualifier

bb1 highlighted the team's persistent preparations coming into the Qualifiers

2ez Gaming was the first Indian team to qualify for the PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 Asia Closed Qualifier and will be representing India at the Closed Qualifiers along with Gods Reign.

Following this significant accomplishment, Dust2 India had the opportunity to sit down with bb1 from 2ez Gaming to delve into the team's journey and aspirations.

How did the team experience the open qualifiers, and what were the key takeaways from that phase?

Overall, it was a fun and thrilling experience.
It was an exciting opportunity to battle with international teams from the APAC region.

What are the team's thoughts on the possibility of making it to the close qualifiers?

It was important for us to make it into the closed qualifiers, for the team as well as for the organization, cause it showed us that we’re on the right trajectory and the changes we’ve been working on are working as we hoped they would.

Can you share insights into the team's preparations coming into the tournament?

We’d been working daily on all aspects of our team for the tournament as this is one of the biggest tournaments that we’re participating in and knew how important qualifying was.
Be it altering and creating strats or working on team camaraderie, preparations were in full swing.

How has the team handled the pressure throughout the competition?

Almost every team feels pressure at some point or the other, especially when playing in a tournament like PGL, we were no different. There obviously was pressure, the team felt it since we were also participating in multiple other tournaments and had plenty of matches to play every day, too.
However, the pressure never wavered our spirit or the desire to win.

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