Lynn Vision turned the tables after their initial loss to TheMongolz

VIDEO: The moment Lynn Vision qualified to the Major

Lynn Vision took down Grayhound in the consolidation final

Source: PGL, Twitch

After Lynn Vision took down Twisted Minds in the opening round and TYLOO in the upper bracket semi-finals of the RMR, they were all set to lock horns with TheMongolz for a spot at the PGL Copenhagen 2024 Major, where they were struck with a crushing 0-2 loss.

Fortunately for Lynn Vision, their upper bracket presence paid off with a second chance to qualify through the consolidation finals where they met Grayhound. A dominant win for Grayhound in the opening map saw Lynn Vision losing their third consecutive map of the day but the Chinese were no where close to giving up.

Lynn Vision took down Grayhound on Anubis, a map on which the Aussies have put up fearsome performances regularly and finally delivered the knockout blow by obliterating Grayhound on Nuke with a massive 13-2 win, reverse sweeping the series and booking their first ever Major appearance.

Be it the nature of their comeback, mental reset or just the fact that this Chinese team had just confirmed their first ever Major appearance at CS2's first Major, Lynn Vision were overcome with emotion.

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